

I think therefore....

“I think, therefore I am”


But…..is that so?

I’m sorry sir, but things don’t seem to be so simple.

Yes I am thinking right now, but it doesn’t necessarily mean “I” exist.

You take the existence of “I” for granted.

But “I” is not something solid. We sometimes lose consciousness like , when sleeping.

“I” is so ambiguous.

Whats more, too much obsession with “I” or subjects seems to have the tendency to individualism, egoism, solipticism, unilateralism. Separation. Segregation. 

That is choking. 

I would like to propose a different idea. Like some eastern philosopher insisted.

I am thinking. You are thinking.

“Thinking” is the very base of existence.

Thinking. Feeling. Imagining.

To sum up, EXPERIENCE is the base of everything.

The subjects like “I” “You” “It” are just the offsprings born from each experience.

Right now, I  feel the autumn breeze. Gentle.  What is solid is not “I” feel something, but  just “breeze” or “gentle”. Or the feeling itself  before I give word to the experience.

As you will see, there is no border or distinction between me and the breeze. 

In fact, everything is united. We human, the trees, mountains, flowers, all the nature surrounding us are sharing the same experience. 

By focusing on the predicate, things  turn out to be connected. No distinction. Segregation. Just sereness.

In the age of individualism, I feel the importance of focusing on the predicate. Not subject.

In retrospect, I am astonished at the insightful word which the kungfoo hero has said.

Don’t think, just feel.